Participant Testimonials

Jun 10 - Jun 15, 2018

La reunión fue muy estimulantemente, tanto en la parte académica como en lo personal, obtuve muchos puntos de vista diferentes al que al inicio tenía, en lo personal me gusto mucho la convivencia el buen trato y por supuesto las experiencias de los compañeros y/o amigos tuvieron tanto en México como en el extranjero, cabe mencionar que el comité organizador estuvo siempre al pendiente de todos y cada uno de los detalles que ésta conlleva. Un agradecimiento muy grande a la CMO-BIRS al igual que a la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana por el apoyo de becas tanto de hospedaje, alimentación y transporte.

Herón Cárdenas Cruz Licenciatura
Facultad de Ciencias en Física y Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas

The workshop "IV Reunión de Matemáticos Mexicanos en el Mundo" organized by the CMO-BIRS and Sociedad Matemática Mexicana was one of my best academic experiences as a student. This workshop was interesting, well organized and allowed me to talk with people that are currently studying or working outside of Mexico. While talking with other participants I gathered information first hand of some graduate school options. In addittion, I discovered some options that I had not considered before. I'm sure the contacts and information I gained in this workshop will have a positive impact in my academic future. As a result of this workshop, one participant showed interest in my work and now we're looking to collaborate.

Manuel Alejandro García Acosta Licenciatura
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

The venue is excellent, this promotes a lot of interaction among the participants.

Daniel Juan-Pineda researcher
Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

Participating in the 2018 Mexican Mathematicians in the World, allowed me to properly network and explore opportunities in México for someone who has chosen a career in Mathematics. I received the help that I needed and met many interesting people. At some point, I did not know if Number Theory was of interest in México, yet I am surprised that there are strong students and postdocs interested in this and related areas. Being currently based at the Math Institute in Valparaíso, Chile, it is important to stay in touch and promote academic exchange.

Luis Alberto Lomelí Instituto de Matemáticas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

The CMO-BIRS workshop "IV Reunión de Matemáticos Mexicanos en el Mundo" was an interesting and well-organized workshop. I definitely enjoyed the meeting, but the most important part is that I met new people to collaborate. Moreover, I also discovered a wide range of job/postdoc opportunities at institutions outside Mexico. I am sure that my participation in this workshop would improve my short-term future as a mathematician.

Fernando Saldaña García Applied Mathematics, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas

The workshop provided an excellent place for establishing connections with peers and senior colleagues. Moreover, it was an ideal setting to contact potential graduate students.

Tonatiuh Sánchez Vizuet Postdoctoral Associate
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University