Thirty Years of Floer Theory for 3-Manifolds

Videos from CMO Workshop

, Cambridge University
- 10:27
Left orders, transverse actions, and ordered foliations
Watch video | Download video: 201707310917-Rasmussen.mp4 (529M)
, University of Miami
- 12:05
Satellite L-space knots are braided satellites*
Watch video | Download video: 201707311101-Baker.mp4 (444M)
- 13:24
TQFT structures in link Floer homology
Watch video | Download video: 201707311217-Zemke.mp4 (514M)
, Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 16:03
On Alexander polynomials of graphs
Watch video | Download video: 201707311502-Wu.mp4 (438M)
- 17:34
Heegaard-Floer homology, foliations, and the left-orderability of fundamental groups
Watch video | Download video: 201707311630-Boyer.mp4 (470M)
, Boston College
- 10:10
Floer homology and Dehn surgery
Watch video | Download video: 201708010916-Greene.mp4 (170M)
, Swarthmore College
- 11:55
Knot traces and concordance
Watch video | Download video: 201708011100-Miller.mp4 (442M)
, University of Texas at Austin
- 13:18
Strongly quasipositive links, cyclic branched covers, and L-spaces
Watch video | Download video: 201708011221-Gordon.mp4 (430M)
, Washington University in St Louis
- 15:58
Alternating knots satisfy the L-space knot conjecture
Watch video | Download video: 201708011500-Roberts.mp4 (242M)
, Cambridge
- 10:06
Floer and Khovanov, 20 years after
Watch video | Download video: 201708020902-Rasmussen.mp4 (487M)
, Rutgers University
- 11:22
Involutive Heegaard Floer homology and the homology cobordism group
Watch video | Download video: 201708021021-Hendricks.mp4 (470M)
, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 12:21
Truncated Heegaard Floer homology and concordance invariants
Watch video | Download video: 201708021132-Truong.mp4 (346M)
, Boston College
- 10:23
Fibered simple knots
Watch video | Download video: 201708030916-Greene.mp4 (482M)
, University of Texas at Austin
- 12:14
Bordered Floer homology via immersed curves: properties and applications
Watch video | Download video: 201708031102-Hanselman.mp4 (567M)
, Université de Sherbrooke
- 13:29
Bordered Floer homology via immersed curves: the structure theorem
Watch video | Download video: 201708031225-Watson.mp4 (649M)
, Stanford University
- 16:10
A sheaf-theoretic model for SL(2,C) Floer homology
Watch video | Download video: 201708031502-Manolescu.mp4 (700M)
, Stanford
- 10:27
Skeleta of Weinstein manifolds
Watch video | Download video: 201708040918-Starkston.mp4 (544M)
, Rice University
- 11:59
A new concordance group of links
Watch video | Download video: 201708041100-Kuzbary.mp4 (252M)
- 13:31
Equivariant Floer homology
Watch video | Download video: 201708041222-Sarkar.mp4 (535M)