Computational Geometry

Arriving Sunday, June 23 and departing Friday June 28, 2024

Confirmed Participants

Name Affiliation
Bohnert, Martin Tübingen
Breuer, Thomas RWTH Aachen
Bruin, Nils Simon Fraser Univeristy
Brysiewicz, Taylor University of Western Ontario
Corti, Alessio Imperial College London
Costa, Edgar MIT
Cueto, Maria Angelica The Ohio State University
Cummings, Joseph Notre Dame
Degtyarev, Alex Bilkent University
Della Vecchia, Antony TU Berlin
Dokchitser, Tim Bristol
Fieker, Claus RPTU Kaiserslautern Landau
Frühbis-Krüger, Anne Oldenburg
Hofmann, Tommy Universität Siegen
Hofscheier, Johannes Nottingham
Kalashnikov, Elana University of Waterloo
Kasprzyk, Alexander University of Nottingham
Lairez, Pierre Inria
Molin, Pascal Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu Paris Rive Gauche
Paffenholz, Andreas Technical University Darmstadt
Panizzut, Marta UiT - The Artic University of Norway
Qureshi, Muhammad Imran King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Regan, Margaret College of the Holy Cross
Ren, Yue Durham University
Roe, David MIT
Sayrafi, Mahrud MPI MIS
Schaller, Karin Freie Universität Berlin
Sertöz, Emre Can Leiden University
Sijsling, Jeroen Universität Ulm
Sottile, Frank Texas A&M University
Veneziale, Sara Imperial College London
Voight, John University of Sydney
Yahl, Thomas University of Wisconsin - Madison
Yu, Josephine Georgia Tech
Zach, Matthias University of Kaiserslautern-Landau