Saturday, August 26 |
07:00 - 09:00 |
Breakfast ↓ A buffet breakfast is served daily between 7:00am and 9:00am in the Vistas Dining Room, the top floor of the Sally Borden Building. Note that BIRS does not pay for meals for 2-day workshops. (Vistas Dining Room) |
08:35 - 08:45 |
Brian Ingalls: Welcome Remarks (TCPL 201) |
08:45 - 09:00 |
Welcome Talk by BIRS Staff ↓ A brief introduction to BIRS with important logistical information, technology instruction, and opportunity for participants to ask questions. (TCPL 201) |
08:59 - 11:30 |
Session 1: Distributed & Multi-Cellular Biological Control (chaired by Ophelia Venturelli) (Other (See Description)) |
09:00 - 09:25 |
Lingchong You: Predicting and controlling gene transfer in microbial communities ↓ Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) plays a critical role in modulating the dynamics and functions of microbial communities. For instance, the presence of MGEs can augment the function of a community and affect the diversity and stability of the latter. Conversely, the composition of community members can affect the fate of MGEs. The ability to predict and control the fate of MGEs has implications for curbing the spread of antibiotic resistance and for precision microbiome engineering. In this talk, I will discuss our recent efforts in understanding the quantitative dynamics of HGT in microbial communities, as well as development of intervention strategies. (TCPL 201) |
09:25 - 09:50 |
Chelsea Hu: Model-guided engineering of robust dynamical biosystems with layered controls ↓ Synthetic biology harnesses the code of life to reprogram biological systems using
engineering principles. As the synthetic biology toolbox expands, we can develop increasingly
advanced living systems to harness nature's power, but practical implementation relies on their
robustness and reliability. Control theory, which studies the control of dynamical systems, has
been instrumental in advancing various engineering disciplines. However, applying it to
biomolecular networks is challenging due to its complex nature. My work combines control
theory, systems modeling, and experimental synthetic biology to analyze the dynamics and
control strategies of biomolecular networks. The goal of my research is to understand nature's
robust dynamic control and establish guiding principles for designing and engineering robust
synthetic biological systems. This talk will highlight key aspects of my previous work on
implementing layered feedback control within living cells to address performance trade-offs in
synthetic biosystems. Additionally, I will briefly discuss our ongoing work on modeling gene
expression dynamics as a function of growth and implementing electronics-facilitated feedback
control to regulate gene expression dynamics. (TCPL 201) |
09:50 - 10:00 |
Coffee Break (TCPL Foyer) |
10:00 - 10:25 |
Marken John: "Reaction order analysis reveals global polyhedral constraints on the behavior of biomolecular reaction systems" ↓ Biology’s inherent nonlinearities have historically necessitated the use of simplifying assumptions such as Michaelis-Menten-style approximations to enable the tractable analysis of even the simplest models of biomolecular reaction systems. However, the next generation of synthetic genetic circuits will likely derive key functional attributes from operating regimes that are not captured by such approximations. It is therefore critical to develop mathematical frameworks that tractably describe system behavior in such “non-Michaelis-Menten” regimes. Here we present one such framework, based on two key ideas: first, biomolecular reaction systems can be partitioned into binding networks and catalysis networks such that the binding network constrains the system’s possible behaviors and the catalysis network defines the system’s movement within behavior space. Second, encoding the system’s behavior via the log derivative (“Reaction Order”) represents these constraints as polyhedra in behavior space, enabling the use of geometric tools to tractably analyze these systems. We apply our framework to case studies of classic biomolecular systems to illustrate its ability to reveal previously-overlooked insights that emerge from their behavior outside of conventional operating regimes. (TCPL 201) |
10:25 - 10:40 |
Thompson Jaron: Bayesian optimization of microbiomes using a tailored machine learning model ↓ The functions performed by microbiomes hold tremendous promise to address grand challenges facing society ranging from improving human health to promoting plant growth. To design their properties, flexible computational models that can predict the temporally changing behaviors of microbiomes in response to key environmental parameters are needed. When considering bottom-up design of microbiomes, the number of possible communities grows exponentially with the number of organisms and environmental factors, which makes it challenging to navigate the microbiome function landscape. To overcome these challenges, we present a physically constrained machine learning model for microbiomes and a Bayesian experimental design framework to efficiently navigate the space of possible communities and environmental factors. (TCPL 201) |
10:45 - 11:00 |
Yili Qian: Bacterial population heterogeneity arising from stochastic promoter switching ↓ Population heterogeneity can promote bacterial fitness in response to unpredictable
environmental conditions. A major mechanism of phenotypic variability in the human gut
symbiont Bacteroides fragilis involves the inversion of seven promoters that drive the
expression of capsular polysaccharides, which determine the architecture of the cell surface.
Using a novel ultra-high-throughput single-cell sequencing technique, we found substantial
population heterogeneity generated through combinatorial promoter inversion regulated by a
common invertase. We developed a stochastic mathematical model to describe and analyze the
population diverging dynamics, where we found that populations with different initial
compositions converge to a unique stationary distribution over time. By fitting the model to
experimental data, we showed that the differential rates of promoter inversion are a major
mechanism shaping population distribution dynamics. (Online) |
11:00 - 11:25 |
Ophelia Venturelli: Principles of microbial community efficiency, robustness and controllability (TCPL 201) |
11:35 - 12:00 |
Matthew Bennett (Online) |
11:55 - 13:30 |
Lunch ↓ A buffet lunch is served daily between 11:30am and 1:30pm in the Vistas Dining Room, the top floor of the Sally Borden Building. Note that BIRS does not pay for meals for 2-day workshops. (Vistas Dining Room) |
13:00 - 13:20 |
Group Photo ↓ Meet in foyer of TCPL to participate in the BIRS group photo. The photograph will be taken outdoors, so dress appropriately for the weather. Please don't be late, or you might not be in the official group photo! (TCPL Foyer) |
13:30 - 16:10 |
Session 2: From Modularity to Robustness (chaired by Mustafa Khammash) (Other (See Description)) |
13:30 - 13:55 |
Mustafa Khammash: Characterization and implementation of maximally robust genetic control circuits ↓ We address and solve the fundamental problem of maximal robust perfect adaptation (maxRPA), whereby for a designated output variable, adaptation is achieved with respect to perturbations in virtually all network parameters. In particular, we show that the maxRPA property imposes certain structural constraints on the network. We then demonstrate that these constraints are fully characterized by simple linear algebraic stoichiometric conditions which differ between deterministic and stochastic descriptions of the dynamics. Using these results, we derive a new internal model principle (IMP) for biomolecular maxRPA networks, akin to the celebrated IMP in control theory. These results are exemplified through several known biological examples. (TCPL 201) |
13:55 - 14:20 |
Eduardo Sontag: Some Vignettes on Resource Limitations in Synthetic Biology ↓ In this talk, I'll review a few different areas of theoretical research in synthetic biology that I have been involved in, centered around questions of resource-limited computation. I'll describe the idea of "competition phenotype" (to distinguish mRNA from ribosome competition, for example), the use of PINNs ("physics-inspired neural networks") to find hidden competition terms, the use of polyhedral Lyapunov functions for "safety" checking, and the implementation of Boolean circuits through distributed colonies. (Online) |
14:20 - 14:45 |
Giulia Giordano: Structural and topology-independent stability of biological systems ↓ Biological systems are known to exhibit an extraordinary robustness, which guarantees survival in the most diverse and changeable environmental conditions. We overview approaches to assess the stability of biological models regardless of parameter values, including a constructive method to compute a structural polyhedral Lyapunov function based on a decomposition that decouples the known system structure (interconnection topology) from the unknown, or uncertain, system parameters. Then, we consider the special case of biological networks where the nodes are associated with first-order linear dynamics and their interactions, which can be either activating or inhibitory, are modelled by nonlinear Michaelis–Menten functions. These networks are shown to always admit a single positive equilibrium, which is locally asymptotically stable, regardless of parameter values, regardless of the network topology and of the size of the network, and also in the presence of arbitrary delays in the interaction functions. In this special case of biological robustness, stability is not only structural (i.e., preserved in spite of arbitrary changes in the system parameters), but also topology-independent (i.e., preserved in spite of arbitrary changes in the web of interactions) and delay-independent (i.e., preserved even when the interactions among key players include arbitrary time delays). (TCPL 201) |
14:45 - 14:55 |
Break for Workshop Attendees (TCPL Foyer) |
14:55 - 15:20 |
Mariana Gómez-Schiavon: Understanding feedback control in biological systems ↓ Feedback control is a fundamental underpinning of life, underlying the homeostasis of biological processes at every scale of organization, from cells to ecosystems. The ability to evaluate the contribution and limitations of feedback control mechanisms operating in cells is a critical step for understanding and ultimately designing feedback control systems with biological molecules. We have developed a novel general framework that quantifies perturbation suppression by a biological feedback control mechanism using a mathematically controlled comparison to an identical system that lacks such feedback. This controlled comparison effectively isolates the contribution of the feedback control, while considering the impact of all the intrinsic biomolecular constraints of the system. This conceptual framework is named CoRa –or Control Ratio–, and can be applied to any given feedback control system, regardless of the underlying complexity of the biomolecular network. CoRa produces a readily interpretable value, evaluating either the system’s steady state, and in its newest version also the dynamic response after a perturbation. We show how the easy implementation and interpretability of CoRa allows an effective characterization of control systems, revealing unexpected effects over the control performance of alternative mechanistic hypotheses. Additionally, CoRa provides a unifying framework that allows for the comparison of different control strategies. We show how this comparison highlights fundamental operational principles shared by these strategies. Finally, we are systematically evaluating the control performance of diverse feedback control mechanisms over a wide range of conditions. We focus on the diverse systems proposed in the synthetic biology field as potential mechanisms for feedback control with biological molecules. By analyzing the resulting dataset, we aim to identify signature behaviors associated with specific structural components. In summary, CoRa is a simple, generalizable and informative approach that can guide efforts for dissecting and designing biomolecular feedback control. (TCPL 201) |
15:20 - 15:45 |
Michaelle Mayalu: Biomolecular Control Circuit With Inherent Bi-Stability Is Applicable for Automatic Detection of Gut Infection ↓ Previously a variety of engineered biological circuits to control cell population have been developed. One possible implementation uses paradoxical feedback, where population control is achieved by using the same quorum sensing signal, produced and sensed by the cell population, to provide both positive (cell proliferation) and negative (cell death) feedback. Here, we extend the paradoxical feedback population control circuit with the addition of a detector to manipulate the activation of the circuit via modulation of an external signal. The detector design utilizes the inherent bi-stability within paradoxical feedback control to switch the cell population dynamics between two equilibrium states via an external signal. Through simulation, we first demonstrate that the bi-stability of the paradoxical feedback controller remains unaffected after the introduction of the detector. Also, the modified detector-population controller can automatically detect and respond to the external signal. We then show how the modified circuit can trigger the total elimination of the cell population using an additional external signal. Finally, we propose a solution for disturbance rejection by adjusting the concentration of a certain gene. Although the detector-population controller is used in the context of gut infection detection, it follows generalizable principles that can be used in various contexts. (TCPL 201) |
15:45 - 16:10 |
Xiao Wang: Bottom-up engineered bacteria consortia governed by synthetic gene circuits (TCPL 201) |
16:10 - 16:20 |
Coffee Break (TCPL Foyer) |
16:19 - 20:20 |
Session 3: Biological Context & Control (chaired by Andras Georgy) (Other (See Description)) |
16:20 - 16:45 |
Vincent Noireaux: What can cell-free transcription-translation do for synthetic gene circuit design ↓ Cell-free transcription-translation (TXTL) enables the rapid execution of gene circuits outside cells. TXTL has proven useful to accelerate the DBTL cycle of synthetic gene networks. In this talk, I will give an overview of the current TXTL capabilities for prototyping gene circuits, and I will discuss the future of this discipline. (TCPL 201) |
16:45 - 17:10 |
Enoch Yeung: A model for how CRISPRi and supercoiling amplify transcriptional noise (TCPL 201) |
17:10 - 17:35 |
Andras Gyorgy: Inducible plasmid copy number control and a blueprint for a synthetic genetic feedback optimizer ↓ The ability to control gene expression has been paradigm shifting for all areas of biological research, especially for synthetic biology. This talk will focus on two recent advancements in gene expression control. First, TULIP (TUnable Ligand Inducible Plasmid) is presented: a self-contained plasmid with inducible copy number control, designed for portability across various Escherichia coli strains commonly used for cloning, protein expression, and metabolic engineering. As demonstrated through multiple application examples, flexible plasmid copy number control via TULIP accelerates the design and optimization of gene circuits, enables efficient probing of metabolic burden, and facilitates the prototyping and recycling of modules in different genetic contexts. Second, the blueprint of a genetic feedback module is presented to optimize a broadly defined performance metric by adjusting the production and decay rate of a set of regulator species. The optimizer can be implemented by combining available synthetic biology parts and components, and it can be readily integrated with existing pathways and genetically encoded biosensors to ensure its successful deployment in a variety of settings when relying on mass action kinetics-based dynamics and parameter values typical in Escherichia coli. (TCPL 201) |
17:30 - 19:30 |
Dinner ↓ A buffet dinner is served daily between 5:30pm and 7:30pm in the Vistas Dining Room, the top floor of the Sally Borden Building. Note that BIRS does not pay for meals for 2-day workshops. (Vistas Dining Room) |
19:30 - 19:55 |
Jongmin Kim: Ribocomputing: Leveraging RNA for Computation in the Cell ↓ Synthetic biology aims to develop engineering-driven approaches to the programming of cellular
functions that could yield transformative technologies. Synthetic gene circuits that combine DNA,
protein, and RNA components have demonstrated a range of functions such as bistability, oscillation,
feedback, and logic capabilities. Despite many advances, technical challenges remain for scaling up the
complexity of these networks due to the limited number of designable, orthogonal, high-performance
parts, the empirical and often tedious composition rules, and substantial resource requirements for
encoding and operation. Here, we report a strategy for constructing RNA-only nanodevices to evaluate
complex logic in living cells. Such ‘ribocomputing’ systems are composed of de novo designed parts and
operate via predictable and designable base-pairing rules, allowing for effective in silico design of
computing devices with prescribed configurations and functions in complex cellular environments. We
demonstrate that these ribocomputing devices in Escherichia coli can evaluate two-input logic
expressions with dynamic range up to 900-fold and scale them to four-input AND, six-input OR, and a
complex 12-input logic expression [1]. We further demonstrate that ribocomputing design strategy can be
used to develop a large library of high-performance translational repressors and 4-input NAND logic
gates [2]. Successful operation of ribocomputing devices based on programmable RNA interactions
suggests that systems employing the same design principles could be implemented in other host
organisms or in extracellular settings.
1. Alexander A. Green, Jongmin Kim, et al., Complex cellular logic computation using ribocomputing
devices (2017), Nature, 548(7665), 117-121
2. Jongmin Kim, et al., De novo-designed translation-repressing riboregulators for multi-input cellular
logic (2019), Nature Chemical Biology, 15(12), 1173-1182 (Online) |
19:55 - 20:20 |
Terence Hwa: Searching for the proper dynamical framework for gene expression ↓ A proper dynamical description of gene expression is foundational to predict the dynamics of genetic circuits. Canonical model of gene expression involves a synthesis term governed by (regulated) promoter activity, and a dilution term arise from the exponential volume growth. We have shown recently that the dilution effect is largely "canceled out” by a global growth-rate dependent transcriptional regulation. I will discuss an alternative dynamical framework for gene expression. (TCPL 201) |