Extremal Combinatorics and Geometry

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, University of Waterloo
- 09:39
The Integrality Gap for the Santa Claus Problem
Watch video | Download video: 202208150906-Haxell.mp4 (101M)
, Carnegie Mellon University
- 11:07
Extremal graphs without exponentially-small bicliques
Watch video | Download video: 202208151031-Bukh.mp4 (179M)
- 14:58
On random polytopes, epsilon-net and center points.
Watch video | Download video: 202208151434-Hubard.mp4 (83M)
, City University of New York
- 16:40
Sparse colorful results in combinatorial geometry
Watch video | Download video: 202208151606-Soberon.mp4 (208M)
, Georgia Tech
- 09:33
Deletion codes and regularity
Watch video | Download video: 202208160857-He.mp4 (130M)
, Carnegie Mellon University
- 10:06
Coprime matchings and lonely runners
Watch video | Download video: 202208160935-Bohman.mp4 (118M)
, Stanford University
- 11:01
The Kahn-Kalai conjecture and Sunflowers in set systems with bounded VC-dimension
Watch video | Download video: 202208161032-Pham.mp4 (66M)
, Emory University
- 11:40
Partitioning cubic graphs into two isomorphic linear forests
Watch video | Download video: 202208161106-Yepremyan.mp4 (53M)
, University of Illinois Chicago
- 14:31
Spencer's theorem in nearly input-sparsity time
Watch video | Download video: 202208161358-Jain.mp4 (161M)
, Jagiellonian University
- 15:09
Coloring ordered graphs with excluded induced ordered matchings
Watch video | Download video: 202208161436-Walczak.mp4 (147M)
, Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics
- 16:15
Pairwise intersecting convex sets and cylinders in R^3
Watch video | Download video: 202208161541-Barany.mp4 (140M)
, Toronto Metropolitan University
- 10:11
Hypergraph Matchings Avoiding Forbidden Submatchings
Watch video | Download video: 202208170935-Delcourt.mp4 (50M)
, University of Regina
- 10:58
The Intersection Density of Permutation Groups
Watch video | Download video: 202208171030-Meagher.mp4 (78M)
, California State University Northridge
- 09:29
Minimum Weight Euclidean $(1+\varepsilon)$-Spanners
Watch video | Download video: 202208180856-Toth.mp4 (52M)
, University of Warwick
- 10:10
What kind of hypergraphs can be extremal for a hypergraph Turan problem?
Watch video | Download video: 202208180932-Liu.mp4 (57M)
, Charles University
- 11:02
Bounding and computing obstacle numbers of graphs
Watch video | Download video: 202208181030-Balko.mp4 (102M)
- 11:48
Combinatorics of plane intervals
Watch video | Download video: 202208181108-White.mp4 (51M)