Topology and Entanglement in Many-Body Systems (Online)

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, Techincal University of Munich
- 10:50
A bulk gap in the presence of edge states for a Haldane pseudopotential
Watch video | Download video: 202110111005-Young.mp4 (55M)
, UC Berkeley
- 12:15
An area law for ground states of 2D frustration-free spin systems
Watch video | Download video: 202110111130-Anshu.mp4 (56M)
, The University of Tokyo
- 18:15
Classification of SPT phases
Watch video | Download video: 202110121730-Ogata.mp4 (166M)
, Nagoya University
- 19:45
Entanglement bootstrap approach in 2D gapped spin systems
Watch video | Download video: 202110121900-Kato.mp4 (71M)
, University of California, Davis
- 10:45
Spectral gaps, gapped curves, and stability
Watch video | Download video: 202110131000-Nachtergaele.mp4 (103M)
, University of Chicago
- 12:15
Stability of ground state degeneracy to long-range interactions
Watch video | Download video: 202110131130-Levin.mp4 (59M)
, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- 10:45
Bulk-boundary correspondence in Tensor Networks
Watch video | Download video: 202110141000-Perez-Garcia.mp4 (59M)
, Microsoft Research
- 12:15
Gapping out a subalgebra and classifying Clifford QCAs
Watch video | Download video: 202110141130-Haah.mp4 (72M)
, Ruhr University Bochum
- 10:45
Approximate QCAs and a converse to the Lieb-Robinson bounds
Watch video | Download video: 202110151000-Walter.mp4 (88M)
, Caltech
- 12:15
Invariants for families of gapped ground states
Watch video | Download video: 202110151130-Sopenko.mp4 (72M)