Participant Testimonials

Jun 13 - Jun 18, 2021

The workshop was so diverse and relevant to my interests! It was great to attend, connect with people, and get more familiar with innovative trends in material sciences from multiple perspectives. ... Connecting with others and knowing more about NSF grants will certainly have a positive impact on future research activities.

Lorena Aguirre Salazar Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster

Being a fresh PhD student, the talks and the working group platform proved to be a great learning opportunity for me.

Kasturi Barkataki Mathematics, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

The information shared and the content to which I can have access as a result of being part of BIRS is essential not only for my personal upscaling but also for the students I advise. The last two BIRS workshops I have been part of have been very inspiring and I have made many contacts.

Hatson John Boscoh Njagarah Lecturer
Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Botswana International University of Science and Technology

It gave me new ideas of research projects and new potential collaborators.

Andrew Rechnitzer Mathematics, University of British Columbia

I had great experiences to participate this workshop. The talks are really informational and worth to review again in the future.

Longhua Zhao Case Western Reserve University