Tuesday, September 7 |
07:00 - 07:45 |
Iwona Chlebicka: Potential estimates for solutions to quasilinear elliptic problems with general growth. Scalar and vectorial case. ↓ We consider measure data elliptic problems involving a second order operator exhibiting Orlicz growth and having measurable coefficients. As known in the p-Laplace case, pointwise estimates for solutions expressed with the use of nonlinear potential are powerful tools in the study of the local behaviour of the solutions. Not only we provide such estimates expressed in terms of a potential of generalized Wolff type, but also we investigate their regularity consequences. For scalar equations we do not need to impose any structural conditions on the the operator and we study generalized A-harmonic functions being distributional solutions to problems with nonnegative measure. Lower and upper estimates we provide are sharp in the sense that the potential cannot be substituted with a better one. As a consequence we get a bunch of sharp criteria for continuity or H\"older continuity of the solutions. For systems we impose typical assumptions of the Uhlenbeck-type structure of the operator and separated variables, whereas the measure can be signed as another notion of very weak solutions is employed. In this case the upper bound is shown with the same potential as in the scalar case and presented together with its precise consequences for the local behaviour of solutions. The talk is based on joint works:(scalar) with F.~Giannetti and A.~Zatorska-Goldstein [arXiv:2006.02172] and (vectorial) with Y.~Youn and A.~Zatorska-Goldstein, [arXiv:2102.09313], [arXiv:2106.11639]. (Online) |
07:45 - 08:30 |
Sebastian Schwarzacher: Construction of a right inverse for the divergence in non-cylindrical time dependent domains ↓ We discuss the construction of a stable right inverse for the divergence operator in non-cylindrical domains in space-time. The domains are assumed to be Hölder regular in space and evolve continuously in time. The inverse operator is of Bogovskij type, meaning that it attains zero boundary values. We provide estimates in Sobolev spaces of positive and negative order with respect to both time and space variables. The regularity estimates on the operator depend on the assumed Hölder regularity of the domain. The results can naturally be connected to the known theory for Lipschitz domains. As an application, we prove refined pressure estimates for weak and very weak solutions to Navier--Stokes equations in time dependent domains. This is a joint work with Olli Saari. (Online) |
08:30 - 09:15 |
Tuomo Kuusi: Homogenization, linearization and large-scale regularity for nonlinear elliptic equations ↓ We will consider nonlinear, uniformly elliptic equations with variational structure and random, highly oscillating coefficients and discuss the corresponding stochastic homogenization theory. After recalling basic ideas on how to get quantitative rates of homogenization for nonlinear uniformly convex problems, we will discuss our recent work, jointly with S. Armstrong and S. Ferguson, showing that homogenization and linearization commute. This is in the sense that the linearized equation homogenizes to the linearization of the homogenized equation (linearized around the corresponding solution of the homogenized equation). This procedure can be iterated to show higher regularity of the homogenized Lagrangian as well as large-scale regularity for minimizers. (Online) |
09:15 - 09:20 |
Group photo (Online) |
09:20 - 09:40 |
Break (Online) |
09:40 - 10:25 |
Verena Bogelein: Higher regularity in congested traffic dynamics ↓ We consider an elliptic system that is motivated by a congested traffic dynamics problem. It has the form
and falls into the context of very degenerate problems. Continuity properties of the gradient have been investigated in the scalar case by Santambrogio & Vespri and Colombo & Figalli.
In this talk we establish the optimal regularity of weak solutions in the vectorial case for any p>1. This is joint work with F. Duzaar, R. Giova and A. Passarelli di Napoli. (Online) |
10:25 - 11:10 |
Lisa Beck: Lipschitz bounds and non-uniform ellipticity ↓ In this talk we consider a large class of non-uniformly elliptic variational problems and discuss optimal conditions guaranteeing the local Lipschitz regularity of solutions in terms of the regularity of the data. The analysis covers the main model cases of variational integrals of anisotropic growth, but also of fast growth of exponential type investigated in recent years. The regularity criteria are established by potential theoretic arguments, involve natural limiting function spaces on the data, and reproduce, in this very general context, the classical and optimal ones known in the linear case for the Poisson equation. The results presented in this talk are part of a joined project with Giuseppe Mingione (Online) |
11:10 - 11:35 |
Break (Online) |
11:35 - 12:20 |
Cristiana De Filippis: Perturbations beyond Schauder ↓ Schauder estimates hold in the nonuniformly elliptic setting. Specifically, first derivatives of solutions to nonuniformly elliptic variational problems and elliptic equations are locally Hoelder continuous, provided coefficients are locally Hoelder continuous. In this talk I will present new regularity results for minima of nonuniformly elliptic functionals with emphasis on delicate borderline regulairty criteria. My talk is based on papers:
-C. De Filippis, Quasiconvexity and partial regularity via nonlinear potentials. Preprint (2021);
-C. De Filippis, G. Mingione, Lipschitz bounds and nonautonomous integrals. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., to appear; C. De Filippis, G. Mingione, Nonuniformly elliptic Schauder estimates. Preprint (2021). (Online) |
12:20 - 13:05 |
Ovidiu Savin: The multiple membrane problem ↓ For a positive integer N, the N-membranes problem describes the equilibrium position of N ordered elastic membranes subject to forcing and boundary conditions. If the heights of the membranes are described by real functions u_1, u_2,...,u_N, then the problem can be understood as a system of N-1 coupled obstacle problems with interacting free boundaries which can cross each other. When N=2 there is only one free boundary and the problem is equivalent to the classical obstacle problem. I will discuss a work in collaboration with Hui Yu about the regularity of the free boundaries in the two dimensional case. (Online) |