G2 Geometry and Related Topics
Arriving Sunday, May 5 and departing Friday May 10, 2019
Confirmed Participants
Name | Affiliation |
Arizmendi, Gerardo | Universidad de las Américas Puebla |
Aslan, Benjamin | University College London |
Ball, Gavin | Duke University |
Bazzoni, Giovanni | Università degli Studi dell'Insubria |
Betancourt, Alejandro | CIMAT |
Charbonneau, Benoit | University of Waterloo |
Cizel, Sebastjan | University of Oxford |
Dixon, Kael | King's College London |
Driscoll, Joe | University of Leeds |
Dwivedi, Shubham | University of Waterloo |
Fino, Anna | Università di Torino |
Fowdar, Udhav | Unicamp |
Garcia-Compean, Hugo | CINVESTAV Mexico City |
Grigorian, Sergey | University of Texas Rio Grande Valley |
Harland, Derek | University of Leeds |
Haydys, Andriy | University of Freiburg |
Herrera, Rafael | Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas |
Holguín Cardona, Sergio Andrés | UNAM |
Karigiannis, Spiro | University of Waterloo |
Kovalev, Alexei | University of Cambridge |
Lambert, Ben | University College London |
Lehmann, Fabian | University College London |
Lotay, Jason | University of Oxford |
Loubeau, Eric | Université de Bretagne Occidentale |
Madnick, Jesse | McMaster University |
Madsen, Thomas | Aarhus University |
Martín-Merchán, Lucía | Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Moore, Kim | University College London |
Nordstrom, Johannes | University of Bath |
Oliveira, Goncalo | IST Austria |
Perales, Raquel | CIMAT |
Platt, Daniel | University College London |
Raffero, Alberto | University of Turin |
Sa Earp, Henrique | Unicamp |
SINGHAL, RAGINI | King's College London |
Téllez, Iván | Instituto de Matemáticas UNAM-Oaxaca |
Tsai, Chung-Jun | National Taiwan University |
Villacampa, Raquel | Centro Universitario de la Defensa |