Zero-Sum Ramsey Theory: Graphs, Sequences and More

Videos from CMO Workshop

, California Institute of Technology
- 09:42
Ramsey complete sequences
Watch video | Download video: 201911110903-Conlon.mp4 (85M)
, University of Idaho
- 10:31
Ramsey theory, Discrepancy Theory, Zero-Sums and Symmetric Functions
Watch video | Download video: 201911110955-Bialostocki.mp4 (75M)
, University of Haifa-Oranim
- 12:03
Problem session
Watch video | Download video: 201911111103-Caro.mp4 (161M)
, Middlebury College
- 15:24
Counting weighted zero-sum sequences with the polynomial method
Watch video | Download video: 201911111500-Schmitt.mp4 (47M)
, Sorbonne Université
- 15:53
An asymptotically tight bound for the Davenport constant
Watch video | Download video: 201911111529-Girard.mp4 (49M)
, Université de Bordeaux
- 16:30
  Addition theorems in $Z_p$
Watch video | Download video: 201911111600-Balandraud.mp4 (58M)
, University of Memphis
- 09:40
Sequence Subsums in Zero-Sum Theory
Watch video | Download video: 201911120901-Grynkiewicz.mp4 (74M)
, University of Paris 8, France
- 10:30
Comparing system of sets of lengths over finite abelian groups
Watch video | Download video: 201911120946-Schmid.mp4 (87M)
- 11:51
EGZ-generalizations for linear equations and linear inequalities in three variables
Watch video | Download video: 201911121130-Huicochea.mp4 (37M)
, Rutgers University
- 12:28
Bounds for Folkman’s Theorem
Watch video | Download video: 201911121201-Narayanan.mp4 (108M)
, Graz University of Technology
- 09:44
Constructions of high dimensional caps, sets without arithmetic progressions, and sets without zero sums
Watch video | Download video: 201911140901-Elsholtz.mp4 (101M)
, Lehman College of the City University of New York
- 10:35
Alternate minimization of matrices and problems in number theory
Watch video | Download video: 201911140950-Nathanson.mp4 (83M)
, Paris 8
- 11:26
Some results on the arithmetic of monoids of plus-minus weighted zero-sum sequences
Watch video | Download video: 201911141102-Ordaz.mp4 (56M)
, Rényi Institute and BME
- 11:59
Progression-free sets and rank of matrices
Watch video | Download video: 201911141130-Pach.mp4 (53M)
- 12:27
Zero-sum subsequences in $\{-1, +1\}$ bounded sum sequences
Watch video | Download video: 201911141202-Montejano.mp4 (51M)