Participant Testimonials
This was a timely workshop that brought together like-minded researchers in quantum resource theories. Many topics discussed therein may have found little chance of discussion elsewhere for their extent of specialization. Thus, this workshop filled an important need. The impact on my own research has been significant, including several valuable discussions and a few new collaborative projects as direct outgrowths. The impact on the resource theory community was probably equally valuable.
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
The "Quantum Resource Theories" Workshop brought together leading international experts from quantum information theory and mathematics to discuss the timely topic of quantum resource theories. Applying this theory to quantum channels is an active topic in the field, and this workshop was very helpful for clarifying how we should consider transformations of quantum channels in various quantum resource theories. Many discussions and collaborations took place during the week, which will likely have an impact on the field for years to come. Also, the friendly environment provided by BIRS staff was conducive to these discussions and collaborations. For all of that, I am very thankful to the BIRS staff for hosting this workshop.
Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University
As on previous occasions, the participation at the week-long workshop was immensely stimulating scientifically, and very rewarding due to the many connections made. The discussions with other participants have led already to at least one collaborative project.
Physics, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona