Participant Testimonials

Nov 17 - Nov 22, 2019

The workshop in BIRS on Dimers, Ising model and interactions was absolutely wonderful - one of the best conferences I have attended in recent years. The talks were at a very high level, stimulating and engaging at the same time. The discussions were fruitful and this has suggested many avenues of future research for me. I am very grateful to BIRS for having hosted it.

Nathanael Berestycki University of Vienna

Thank you so much for the wonderful stay at Banff. This program has allowed me to meet many people from the dimer community. We had interesting discussions that will certainly lead to fruitful collaborations. Thank you once again!

Béatrice De Tiliere University Paris Dauphine

The workshop was right in line with my research. I interacted scientifically with almost everyone present! Several new projects emerged from these conversations and talks which I hope will further my own research. I was particularly excited by the talks of Ramassamy, Laslier and Chelkak: it looks like they are headed towards a significant new result in dimers, which hopefully can generalize to other models.

Richard Kenyon Professor
Math, Yale University

I have met with several people I know, and shared my ongoing research ideas with them. This was a very nice opportunity to have prolonged discussions on my own and joint projects. I have also updated my knowledge of the field of dimer models and related areas.

Leonid Petrov Associate Professor
Mathematics, University of Virginia

Thank you for a wonderful program! Everything was superb, and I made many interesting new mathematical connections with people.

Scott Sheffield Massachusetts Institute of Technology