Workshop on Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics

Videos from BIRS Workshop

, University of Illinois Chicago
- 10:21
Polynomial to exponential transition in Ramsey theory
Watch video | Download video: 201909020943-Mubayi.mp4 (220M)
, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- 11:06
Super-pancyclic hypergraphs and bipartite graphs
Watch video | Download video: 201909021042-Kostochka.mp4 (163M)
, University of California at San Diego
- 11:49
Ordered graphs and hypergraphs: new results and open problems
Watch video | Download video: 201909021111-Verstraete.mp4 (261M)
, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 15:04
Equiangular lines with a fixed angle
Watch video | Download video: 201909021422-Zhao.mp4 (370M)
, Stanford University
- 16:06
On the size of subsets of $F_p^n$ without $p$ distinct elements summing to zero
Watch video | Download video: 201909021533-Sauermann.mp4 (212M)
, University of California, Irvine
- 16:37
Perfect matchings in subgraphs of random hypergraphs
Watch video | Download video: 201909021612-Ferber.mp4 (171M)
, Princeton University and Tel Aviv University
- 09:42
Traces of Hypergraphs
Watch video | Download video: 201909030902-Alon.mp4 (307M)
, ETH Zurich
- 10:14
Minimum saturated families
Watch video | Download video: 201909030945-Letzter.mp4 (218M)
, Birkbeck University
- 11:15
Halfway to Rota’s basis conjecture
Watch video | Download video: 201909031042-Pokrovskiy.mp4 (275M)
, Stanford University
- 11:56
An algebraic inverse theorem for the quadratic Littlewood–Offord problem
Watch video | Download video: 201909031120-Kwan.mp4 (273M)
, Emory university
- 10:18
Covering cubes by hyperplanes
Watch video | Download video: 201909040943-Huang.mp4 (293M)
, ETH Zurich
- 11:15
Nearly-linear monotone paths in edge-ordered graphs
Watch video | Download video: 201909041040-Bucic.mp4 (208M)
, Rutgers University
- 11:56
Disproportionate division
Watch video | Download video: 201909041120-Narayanan.mp4 (302M)
, California Institute of Technology
- 14:15
Improved bounds for the Brown-Erdos-Sos problem
Watch video | Download video: 201909041343-Conlon.mp4 (266M)
, University of Oxford
- 14:53
When Ramsey met Brown, Erdos, and Sos
Watch video | Download video: 201909041423-Tyomkyn.mp4 (182M)
- 16:03
Completion and deficiency problems
Watch video | Download video: 201909041530-Wagner.mp4 (214M)
- 16:53
Combinatorial questions in optimal transport
Watch video | Download video: 201909041610-Angel.mp4 (351M)
, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 09:40
Expander graphs both local and global
Watch video | Download video: 201909050902-Linial.mp4 (308M)
, Freie Universitat Berlin
- 11:20
How redundant is Mantel’s Theorem?
Watch video | Download video: 201909051048-Das.mp4 (194M)
, Masaryk University
- 12:00
Extremal problems concerning cycles in tournaments
Watch video | Download video: 201909051121-Kral.mp4 (292M)