Participant Testimonials
Thank you for inviting me to attend the great workshop and letting me have a wonderful week. As a junior faculty I learnt a lot from the senior professors and made many new friends there. I really enjoyed the workshop. I hope there are more workshops like this to come up in the near future.
Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona
I was very impressed with the facilities and the food provided at BIRS. The overall workshop environment was very conducive for a highly interactive workshop. The success of the workshop hinges on the quality of the speakers and their research work. I was very impressed with this aspect of the workshop particularly.
I learned a lot and some ideas I got there will definitely enter my own research.
Statistics and Operations Research, University of Vienna
This is arguably the best workshop I have ever attended!
This is an excellent workshop which gathered a number of leading international researchers in distributionally robust optimization and associated areas. The whole programme was run in a very efficient and interactive manner and I have learned a lot of new and interesting developments in DRO which will have significant impact on my future research. I have also taken the opportunity to meet colleagues and exchange ideas with them directly. This is one of the best and most efficient workshops that I have ever attended and I thank the organizers and BIRS director for the initiative and successful running of the event.
Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton