Participant Testimonials

Oct 15 - Oct 20, 2017

I was impressed by the high quality of the talks and enjoyed them very much. Benjamin Sambale’s talk for instance was very closely related to my own research and gave me some new perspectives.

Robert Boltje Mathematics, University of California, Santa Cruz

The workshop was extremely useful for my current research. The feedback and comments I received after my talk led to substantial improvements and extensions of my study of restriction of irreducible characters to Sylow p-subgroups. For example, Gerhard Hiss suggestions were extremely helpful to choose an interesting new direction for my future research. Moreover, during the workshop I made significant advances on the joint article with Stacey Law "Permutation characters and Sylow p-subgroups". This will be submitted for publication soon.

Eugenio Giannelli Mathematics, Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge

It is all the time a great pleasure to stay and research Mathematics in BIRS. I have had a wonderful experience this time as well. I was able to discuss the joint work with Caroline Lassueur quite a lot, and therefore our research has had a big improvement. I have learned quite a lot from the many interesting and nice talks held during the week. I really would like to thank the BIRS for giving me such a wonderful opportunity for our research, and also for the four organizers. Hopefully I would like to come back again here in near future.

Shigeo Koshitani Center for Frontier Science, Chiba University

My participation in BIRS has definitely an impact in my current research since right now I have new collaboration projects with Malle, Spath and Tiep. But also with A. Marotti and C. Vallejo. BIRS was an opportunity for my student Noelia Rizo to give her first important international talk about her current research, and she already has input from many participants, which might turn also into joint projects with them. Several talks were simply outstanding, and the announce of Rouquier about his joint work with Dudas will have an impact in our field.

Gabriel Navarro Algebra, Universidad de Valencia

The BIRS workshop was extremely helpful to my current research. The talks were closely related to my own research and provided me with important updates and new insights to the area. During the workshop, I made significant progress on a project with J. Taylor, which resulted in finishing and submitting a paper. We also began discussing our next projects. I also had very fruitful conversations with the organizers and other participants of the workshop. For example, G. Malle suggested a new direction for my research, which led to one of the new projects with Taylor. I spoke with A. Turull about an ongoing project and agreed to keep in touch regarding the problem. I also discussed a potential project with J. Brough, which we have since began work on.

Amanda Schaeffer Fry Mathematics, Metropolitan State University of Denver

This present meeting at Banff was one of the most useful meetings I have attended in my career thus far. After my talk on root data I had a lengthy and interesting discussion with Frank Lübeck about how one could implement these theoretical ideas computationally. I hope this will result in something useful. My collaborator, Mandi Schaeffer Fry, and I managed to complete our recent project on Principal 2-Blocks, which appeared on the arXiv shortly after the meeting. In discussions with Gunter Malle and Pham Tiep we came up with some new ideas on our current joint project, which will hopefully be successful. Alex Turull shared with me his work on the Glaubermann correspondence and pointed me towards an open problem on Green Functions for finite reductive groups, which I am still thinking about. Finally, I was really encouraged by the number of younger participants at the meeting. I think this is a great testament to the depth and fortitude of finite groups as an area of study.

Jay Taylor Dr.
Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona

I have had fruitful discussions with G. Malle and J. Taylor on our ongoing joint project. We have also started new joint projects with G. Navarro and with H. N. Nguyen. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the BIRS and its staff for supporting our conference and providing us with this wonderful facility and stimulating environment.

Pham Tiep Mathematics, University of Arizona