
Click on titles to download presentations

Monday March 28

8:30-9:00Brenda Williams Welcome/Introduction to BIRS
9:00-10:00Paul Newton Metastatic progression via biased random walks on a cancer network
10:00-10:30Coffee Break
10:30-11:30Andrew Stuart Bayesian approach to an elliptic inverse problem arising in groundwater flow
11:30-12:30Houman Owhadi Bridging scales with incomplete information
1:00-2:00Tour of Banff Centre campus
2:15-3:15Wing Kam Liu Bridging of the scales, multiscale modeling and simulation
3:15-4:15Wei Chen Stochastic multiscale analysis and design
4:15-4:45Coffee Break

Tuesday March 29

8:30-9:30Sergey Lototsky Mean-preserving stochastic renormalization of differential equations
9:30-10:30Habib Najm Analysis of Uncertain Dynamical Network Models
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:00Jim Nolen Importance sampling for random elliptic equations
1:00-2:00Olivier Pinaud Kinetic limits and imaging models for waves in random media
2:00-3:00Frederic Legoll Variance reduction methods and multiscale FEM for random multiscale materials
3:00-3:30Coffee Break
3:30-4:30Rachel Kuske Noise sensitivities in systems with delays and multiple time scales

Wednesday March 30

Open Discusions

Thursday March 31

8:30-9:30Wenjia Jing Corrector theory for multiscale numerical methods in random media
9:30-10:30Maarten Arnst (Liege) Dimension reduction and measure transformation in stochastic multiphysics modeling
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:00Youssef Marzouk Multiscale and map-based methods for statistical inference in inverse problems
1:00-2:00Raul Tempone Adaptive Multi-Level Monte Carlo Simulation
2:00-3:00Alireza Doostan On sparse approximation techniques for uncertainty propagation
3:00-3:30Coffee Break
3:30-4:30Sorin Mitran A Bayesian approach to computational evaluation ofcontinuum closures based upon stochastic microscopic dynamics
4:30-5:30Sonjoy Das An energy based stochastic mapping between high and low fidelity models

Friday April 1

9:00-12:00Brief presentations and Open Discussion

Last modified: Thu Mar 31 10:12:29 PDT 2011